
Actors Map


National Association of Mediators of Ukraine

Currently, NAMU unites 185 members - mediators from all regions of Ukraine who have professional training in mediation and practice mediation. A significant number of NAMU members are also involved in the facilitation of dialogue processes in eastern Ukraine and other regions.

Laboratory of Peaceful Solutions

The Laboratory's activities include conflict analysis and diagnosis – various types of mapping, development of a strategy for a dialogue process (preliminary meetings with participants, dialogue design, etc.); facilitation of group dialogues, and post-dialogue support.

Institute for Peace and Common Ground

The work of the Institute for Peace and Common Ground is aimed at building dialogue for the development of groups, organizations, and communities; and the achievement of positive sustainable change.

Women’s Information and Consultative Centre

Long before 2014, WICC had been conducting research on resolving conflicts by peaceful means and does so now ("Transforming conflict by peaceful means: the Transcend Method" 1999, "Do not steal conflicts better help resolve them" 2000, "Do not steal conflicts better love them and let them go" 2015).

Different Education (Insha Osvita)

The mission of the organization: "We bring learning back to life. We celebrate change. We help communities to become self-sufficient." The organization's vision is aimed at the horizontal, self-sufficient communities that use the potential of diversity for development. These communities are capable of transforming themselves and other people in a complex world.

“Dialogue in Action” Initiative

The “Dialogue in Action” Initiative (DiA) has been operating since 2016 within two partner NGOs - the “Dukh i Litera” and the “St. Clement’s Centre: Communication and Dialogue of Cultures” at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.