
Name of the organization/initiative and year of foundation
The Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” was founded in 2015.
Contribute to the formation and implementation of an effective foreign policy of Ukraine through an expert analysis of international relations, foreign policy, and security; the development of recommendations and consultations; the creation and application of tools of expert diplomacy based on professionalism, transparency, and non-partisanship.
Actions and projects in the context of armed conflict
The Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” implements several projects to increase the level of foreign policy expertise in Ukraine, consolidate international support for Ukraine and raise awareness of foreign experts, politicians, and journalists about the events in Ukraine. In particular:
- Foreign policy portal. “Ukrainian Prism” has created a database of Ukrainian think tanks and experts in foreign policy. This portal and the related projects are the entry points for stakeholders and experts that provide expert support to almost all government agencies in foreign policy and security (Verkhovna Rada, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, etc.).
- Annual assessments of the foreign policy of Ukraine (since 2015). The ‘Ukrainian Prism’ experts analyze 50 directions of Ukraine’s foreign policy (geographical and thematic, particularly related to the conflict) to develop recommendations for the Ukrainian authorities.
- Rethinking the de-occupation policy of Ukraine. ‘Ukrainian Prism’ developed a Report, which sets out the stakeholders’ vision regarding the de-occupation process taking into account the motives and interests of Ukraine, Russia, and international actors. The report analyzes relevant case studies and examples of de-occupation and reintegration processes in other countries and makes recommendations for the new de-occupation strategy.
- EaP Think Bridge Platform. The project brings together expert communities of the Eastern Partnership countries to fill the gaps in the preparation of analytical products on the situation in the region each month.
- Disinformation Resistance Index. In 2018, in partnership with the leading regional think tanks, Ukrainian Prism assessed the situation in fourteen countries and proposed common solutions to the propaganda issues. In 2020, the index was tested in seven countries on pandemic-related disinformation.
Finally, “Ukrainian Prism” is one of the leaders in the implementation of innovative practices of expert diplomacy. In particular, jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Council under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it implements the concept of bilateral expert forums with neighboring states to discuss potential problematic issues. To fill in the information gaps, “Ukrainian Prism” organizes the visits of journalists from neighboring countries to Kyiv and Donbas.