
Name of the organization/initiative and year of foundation
All-Ukrainian NGO Democracy Development Centre (DDC) was founded in 2003.
The organization works in many different areas including human rights, leadership, flexible democracy, practical law, etc., but focuses on gender equality.
Actions and projects in the context of armed conflict
Main activities include the development of methodological guidelines and publications on social education and women’s rights; preparation of alternative reports on women’s rights; research studies on the topic “Women. Peace. Security “; education of local government and NGOs on implementing gender equality and the goals “Women/Youth. Peace. Security”; organization of seminars and conferences. A separate dimension of the work includes the engagement of children, youth, and teachers on public speaking skills, and “Youth. Peace. Security” issues.
Implemented projects include the following:
The Workshop “The Role of Women and Gender Policy in the Resolution of Armed Conflict in Ukraine”(2015) in collaboration with the Institute of International Relations in Rome, funded by the NATO “Science for Peace and Security” Program.
- The International conference “Gender in revolution, war, peacebuilding” (2017) in collaboration with Women in War (Paris) and the Odesa Ushinsky Institute with focus on the role of “women and sexual minorities in hyper-masculine military structures such as the regular army, and armed or terrorist organizations.”
- “Mapping of Peacebuilding Initiatives in Ukraine” (2017). The mapping provides an insight into the challenges that Ukraine must overcome in the area of peacebuilding. It provides an analysis and assessment of the current initiatives under the 1325 National Action Plan and the broader social issues that slow down the peacebuilding processes.
- “Local Communities Build and Sustain Peace: Strengthening the Participation of Women and Youth in Building Sustainable Peace in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kenya, Moldova, South Sudan, Uganda, and Ukraine” – educational and informational activities aimed at engagement of girls and young women in the decision-making process and leadership.