
Mr. Valerii Shtaba

Chief specialist of the unit for promoting digital development projects, department for coordination of digital transformation projects, Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

He has been involved in the design and development of digital products since 2002 and has been researching the use of digital and social technologies to develop socially useful skills in local communities. From 2014 to 2020, he was involved in the digitalization of dialogue practices in the field of peacebuilding. Co-founder of the project and technical director of the Donbas Dialog (DD) platform. In 2014, he launched a crowdsourcing process that involved participants from divided societies in an online dialogue space. In 2017, under the patronage of UNDP, he presented the methodology of online dialogue at the Geneva Peace Week; in 2019 the DD platform was included Digital Technologies and Mediation Toolkit report for the UN Secretary General. Since 2018, he has been involved with developing a programme for training facilitators of online dialogue. He has been involved in the digitalization of state social, cultural and reintegration policies in the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation since 2020.