
Official position/function in relation to the conflict
The Russian volunteer movement is a movement of citizens with the aim of providing disinterested assistance to Ukrainian citizens affected by the conflict. The largest groups of volunteers are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Voronezh.
Interests/goals in the conflict region
Volunteering is based on the desire of citizens to provide assistance to the civilian population of Ukraine who suffered during the hostilities, on a sense of solidarity, as well as on a sense of guilt for Russia’s actions towards Ukraine.
Actions in relation to the conflict region
The movement can be divided into two directions:
1) Remote assistance – volunteers are involved in organizing fundraising and humanitarian aid in Russia and abroad and sending it to Ukraine;
2) On-the-ground assistance – volunteers work with the affected civilian population, first of all, with internally displaced persons in settlements along the contact line.
Another group of volunteers is engaged in the collection of medicines, equipment, money for the Ukrainian military personnel, works with the wounded, and provides psychological assistance. Volunteers also implement social and cultural projects, organize the collection and delivery of humanitarian aid, money, many of them participate in international volunteer camps in Ukraine, work with children of internally displaced persons, take patronage over entire families.