
National Platform “Dialogue for Peace and Secure Reintegration”
Name of the organization/initiative and year of foundation
National Platform “Dialogue for Peace and Secure Reintegration” was founded in February 2018.
Strengthening consensus and resilience in the processes of conflict prevention and resolution in Ukraine.
Actions and projects in the context of armed conflict
National Platform “Dialogue for Peace and Secure Reintegration” is a platform for discussion of issues related to the resolution of the conflict in eastern Ukraine and secure reintegration. The initiative conducts its activities with the support of the Crisis Management Group – Martti Ahtisaari Center (CMI) in cooperation with the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research (UCIPR) and is funded by the European Union instrument contributing to stability and peace within the framework of the “Building Resilience to Conflict through Dialogue” project since 2019.
The activities of the National Platform are aimed at strengthening consensus and resilience in Ukraine in the area of prevention and resolution of conflicts through expanding public participation in the peace process, providing advice to the authorities in the drafting of appropriate policies regarding secure integration and national unity, as well as increasing public awareness about these issues.
There are three permanent working groups within the project aimed at consensus and formation of coalitions among Ukrainian experts on three thematic issues – conflict resolution, reintegration, and national unity.
Regular public events held by the National Platform in Kyiv contribute to the development of the professional discussion on conflict resolution in eastern Ukraine in an unbiased, inclusive manner involving main actors of the entire political spectrum and key industries – influential public experts, representatives of central, regional, and local authorities of Ukraine, MPs, representatives of local communities, non-governmental organizations, public networks, and international experts.
Additionally, the Platform convenes regional platforms to develop communication channels between representatives of civil society, journalists, experts, and authorities.
Since April 2017, the Platform has been holding public meetings known as the Public Marathon “Why Should We Be Together?” which serves as a platform for discussions about the peace process in eastern Ukraine at the local level. They enable active citizens from various cities and towns to express their opinion on issues related to the peace process and provide an opportunity for dialogue among stakeholders at the local community level across the country.