
Official position/function regarding the conflict is an independent online outlet of the oppositional democratic direction. It covers in detail the actions of the opposition, including protests against Russian aggression in Ukraine, publishes materials in support of Ukraine, is engaged in exposing media fakes of propagandist media, and harshly criticizes the Russian authorities. The website offers a lot of analytics, including a special section dedicated to Ukraine. Among the authors are opposition leaders, civic activists, publicists, human rights activists, including Ukrainian commentators (for example, Vitaly Portnikov). became one of the first four Russian opposition websites blocked in March 2014 at the request of the Prosecutor General’s Office in accordance with the Lugovoy law (“the law on extrajudicial blocking of extremist websites”). At the moment, access to the website in Russia is possible only through VPN, Tor, or a mirror). In June 2020, the European Court of Human Rights awarded EUR 10,000 to each of the websites and for extrajudicial blocking.