CivilM+ News 28.02 10 Steps efforts to overcome the impact of the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine This week, Ukrainian human rights organizations, including members of the…
News on the Conflict 20.02 The Ukrainian military found a Russian shell in the area of Stanitsa Luganskaya, which is not in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces Thermobaric charge TBG-7B from RPG-7B dated 2003 was discovered during…
News on the Conflict 18.02 Battles in the Lugansk region — “Attempting to disrupt the peace process” “Today [February 18] the guerrillas went into attack, trying to…
News on the Conflict 27.01 Surkov has decided to leave the position of curator of Ukraine in the Kremlin Presidential advisor Vladislav Surkov left the civil service. This was…