
Civilian population in Donbas: living and acting on the front line

While no progress is being made regarding the conflict resolution in eastern Ukraine, and threats of a new military escalation have increased in recent weeks, the fundamental issues of this conflict remain especially for civilians living on both sides of the “contact line”. Civil society actors continue to mobilize, local residents create new initiatives to face challenges, in a context where contacts are even more restricted with the Covid-19 pandemic. Not to mention the possible consequences of new legislation.

The European Citizen’s Assembly, along with the international platform CivilM+, invites you to a webinar on December 14th from 5pm to 7pm to give voice to civil society actors and experts.


Tim Bohse, DRA: Ceasefire violations and restrictions to free movement in Eastern Ukraine. Findings of a monitoring mission of DRA and VOSTOK SOS.

Andrii Hrudkin, Strong communities (Сильні громади) : promoting the interests of society in the framework of territorial entities managed by ‘civil-military administration.

Olena Zakharova, Center of Public Initiatives “Ideas for Change”. Field work: challenges of reintegration for civilians on both sides of the contact line.

Discussion introduced by Ioulia Shukan, University Paris Nanterre, ISP And moderated by Coline Maestracci, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly France, CivilM+

Please register on the following link.


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