
Ms. Daria Kuznetsova

IDP from Donetsk, co-founder of the “Donbas Dialogue” platform, a consultant on the issues of peacebuilding

Ms. Kuznetsova is an active participant of international peacebuilding initiatives. She also takes part in the implementation of humanitarian projects aimed at supporting conflict-affected population in Ukraine. In 2011-2014, she conducted social-economic research for Donetsk region at the Institute of Industrial Economy of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (Donetsk). In 2014-2020, Ms. Kuznetsova coordinated the “Donbas Dialogue” project, a civic initiative for the ongoing support to the discussion about the conflict resolution in Donbas. In 2016, participated in the training “Dialogue and conflict transformation in multicultural societies” in Lillehammer, Norway. In 2017, at the 4th international conference Build Peace in the Colombian University in Bogota, Ms. Kuznetsova presented the methodology for online dialogue. The conference was organized to exchange experience in the use of modern technology in conflict resolution.