
H.E. Ms. Anka Feldhusen

Ambassador of Germany to Ukraine

Anka Feldhusen was born on 25 April 1966 in Elmshorn, a small town in Northern Germany. She attended school and the first years of university in Kiel, where she studied Political Sciences, English and Russian Language. In 1987 she moved to France and obtained her degree of Political Sciences at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris in 1990. Prior to joining the Federal Foreign Service in 1993 Anka Feldhusen worked for three years at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris in the International Department. After her training at the Diplomatic Academy in Bonn she was posted to Kyiv in 1994 as desk officer for press, protocol and cultural affairs. From 1997 to 1998 she pursued a mid-carrier MA in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Upon returning to the Federal Foreign Office in Bonn and Berlin 1998 Anka Feldhusen served as protocol officer until 2002. From 2002 to 2005 she was posted as Deputy Head of Mission to Cuba. Rotating back to Berlin she headed the Training Department of the Federal Foreign Office until 2009. In preparation for her next appointment as Deputy Head of Mission in Kyiv she spent a year learning Ukrainian. In July 2010 Anka Feldhusen took up her new post in Kyiv where she witnessed the Revolution of Dignity. In July 2015 she returned to Berlin and headed the Federal Foreign Office’s East Africa Department before being transferred to the Office of the Federal President where she served in the Foreign Policy Division until July 2019. Anka Feldhusen came back to Kyiv as Ambassador on July 18, 2019, and handed over her credentials to President Zelensky on July 24.